2013년 2월 27일 수요일

Life in Executive Council...

Life in Executive Council...
Since the 2012 summer vacation, I decided to become a member of Executive Council. There were assignments in order to apply for it. So I carefully thought and wrote something down that I wanted to say to KMLA students. I successfully ended the assignments that I had to handed in before the summer vacation ends. I was worried about myself whether I could do the works of Executive Council and other things that I had to as a KMLA student. Although, I was not sure if I can handle all the things in new semester, I had a strong will to become a member of Executive Council.
The summer vacation ended and it was time for me to electioneering to advertise myself. It was surprising to find out that my old roommate was also wanting to become the same position that I want to sit. We had many friends in common and we were really close since we were roommates for one semester. Still, I wanted to win over him. We had to make posters and pickets in order to make others to know we are applying for Executive Council. Furthermore, more interesting thing was that we had to speak in front of students in the auditorium and dance girl group’s song. It was panic for us because we both couldn’t dance really well.
The day after the end of summer vacation, I started to practice my speech and dance that is mandatory for us. It was a good experience for me. Shouting my name in front of the school with my friends and dancing in my room with my friend who is good at dancing. Ten days of same daily life have passed and it was time to make a speech. I almost memorized my speech but, standing in front of 450 people was not easy for me to handle. I was nervous at the first thirty seconds but calmed myself until the end of my speech. I was satisfied with my speech and what I had to do is practice for the dance that I had to perform after two days.
After eating dinner, it was time to practice dancing with my friend. It was hard for me to dance and memorize all the movements since, I haven’t danced for three years. I tried my best and practiced when nobody was in my room. The time came to me when I had to dance in front of juniors and seniors. I danced pretty well and many of my friends said that my dance was really cute. Finally everything ended and I had to wait until Friday which was two days from this dancing performance. The result was announced on the web site and I was glad to find my name as a new member of Executive Council. I was actually really happy to see my name.
Works of Executive Council was handed over from 13th Executive Council. I firstly thought that there was not much work to do. However, it wasn’t actually. Members of Executive Council had to use our self study time in order to do the works that are required for school. It was not hard for me to adopt into new schedule. So I had hard time managing my time. We planned school festivals, events, and graduation ceremony. There were many works to do as a important members of school.
I sometimes had fights with my partner who worked with me for five months. We often had conflicts due to the management of works to be done. However, we yielded each other’s benefits and we were finally able to cooperate well, resulting in a efficient solution. I was sorry to my partner since I play basketball almost every night, and I sometimes didn’t help her complaining that I am too tired. I thank to my partner for all the things that she did and things that helped me to complete the works easier.
These phenomena was about five months ago, and it is still vivid in my memories. Now I only have 18th wavers’ Entrance Ceremony to plan. My works as a member of Executive Council have ended and I feel like something is empty in my heart. It was sometimes hard and sometimes fun to be a leader of 17th wavers. I learned so much from the experience and I hope I can become a president of Executive Council in the next semester.

댓글 1개:

  1. Nice reflection on a valuable learning experience. I've seen a few of these on blogs recently. Is this class work for another class? Or just free writing? In any case, it is nice to see and does count towards something. Good post with personal pictures. Someday in the future this will mean more to you than it does now.


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