2013년 7월 2일 화요일

Giving up

     One hundred bodies are found every year in the “suicide forest” in Japan. People who are not sure to suicide, brings rope with them, so that they can go back when they change their minds. However, there are still many people who commit suicide in the forest. Messages saying importance of one’s life and lovely families don’t work to stop people from committing suicides. People do not exactly know why people commit suicide in this forest, however, it is known that people who failed their job and no one to get help from, come often to the forest can think about giving up their life for a moment.
     Although I believe a life after death, one’s life is the most important thing compared to ant other things. Frankly speaking, I have thought about committing a suicide for two times. Both were after entering high school. I had weak mental strength whenever I thought about leaving my friends and families. However, what blocked me from actually giving up my life were my families, I always try to think who my family members will act when I leave them forever. Parents are the same, they all love their child and try to do their best as possible to their love ones. If I suddenly die, my parents will live a hard life without their son.
     What was good about thinking to commit suicide was that, I could reinforce the purpose to live with my friends and families. It is not health to imagine committing a suicide, but when you overcome those hardships that lead you to a wrong way, you can become a stronger person. Thus, I believe Japanese government must do something to prevent more death in the forest and the society as a whole. Firstly, I think the government has the responsibility to take care of the forest. They should remove the forest even though it is harming the nature or place guards in different sections in the forest. Removing the forest might be the best way, however it is harming the environment and it will cost a lot to remove all the dead bodies and clean the masses in the forest. Plus, not many people will want to volunteer to be a guard in the suicide forest. Specific solutions must be brought up by the government because they have the responsibility to protect their citizens.
     Furthermore, preventing juveniles from committing suicide is also a significant issue. In order to prevent future suicides in Japan, the government must educate students in middle school and high school. Students are the future to lead one country to a right way. The government must protect these futures of one country by high quality educations. This might sound too ideal, but it is definitely one of the best ways to keep students from committing suicide because students absorb information efficiently.

     We know the feeling of people who give up their lives. Doctors and advisors in mental hospital say that, when most of the people decide to commit suicide, they indirectly tell to their close family or friends that they will soon leave them. In other words, government or doctors are not the one who can keep someone from committing a suicide. The one who can really save one person’s life is actually every individual. What we have to do is continuously pay attention to close people and friends around us. I believe this is the best way that can lead everybody to live a happier life.

댓글 2개:

  1. Remove the forest? I don't think that will change anything. In fact, the forest is probably an ideal place to die, compared to a subway station or tall building, which involves cleaning up after someone. IF someone chooses to die, they should respect the rest of society by NOT doing it in front of others. Nice reflection.

  2. I thought that the atmosphere of the forest makes people suicide. So, even though there are some people who are not decided to suicide yet, they might commit suicide due to the environment that the forest is giving. Furthermore, I thought that if people suicide in the open place, people around them might have chance to prevent them from committing suicide. Well, I think the forest should exist so that they can die without anyone watching it. I didn't think about affecting others when people suicide in public places. Thank you for your idea Mr. Garrioch!!


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